- Ingredients: Red Bean, Coix Seed, Chinese Wolfberry, Oatmeal.
- Red Beans: Red beans are known for their rich flavor and health benefits. They add a natural sweetness to the oatmeal while providing additional protein and fiber.
- Coix seed, also known as Job’s Tears, is a nutritious grain that adds a unique texture to the oatmeal. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- Chinese Wolfberry: Chinese Wolfberry, also known as Goji berries rich in vitamins, minerals.
- Oatmeal Base: Oatmeal serves as the hearty base of this breakfast, offering complex carbohydrates that provide sustained energy throughout the morning.
Product Description
红豆薏米枸杞燕麦片是一款营养丰富、早餐代餐的理想选择。它融合了红豆、薏米、枸杞和燕麦的天然好处,为您提供全面的营养,同时享受美味。这款早餐代餐不仅丰富,还健康,适合忙碌的生活方式。 红豆: 富含蛋白质和纤维,有助于提高饱腹感,支持健康的消化系统。 薏米: 薏米富含维生素和矿物质,有助于促进身体的平衡和健康。 枸杞: 枸杞是一种超级食品,富含抗氧化剂和维生素,有助于提高免疫系统。 燕麦: 燕麦是一种复杂碳水化合物,提供持久的能量,有助于保持活力。 这款产品不仅提供全面的营养,还具有美味的口感,使您能够享受美味早餐,而无需牺牲健康。无论是在匆忙的工作日还是休闲的周末,这款红豆薏米枸杞燕麦片都是保持活力和健康的理想选择。